Marie Osmond has had a career spanning six decades in the entertainment industry. She’s a hit-making singer, a great television host, and an actress.

Marie Osmond has had a career spanning six decades in the entertainment industry. She’s a hit-making singer, a great television host, and an actress. However, the most important titles are being a mother and a grandmother. Osmond is deeply rooted in her family life; now, she lives happily in Utah with her husband whom she married twice.

Maire Osmond is a successful country and pop artist. She’s evolved to become a television host and actress. But it is no surprise that Osmond is such an entertainer; she comes from the renowned show business family, the Osmonds.

While Osmond was never part of her brothers’ group, “The Osmond Brothers,” she succeeded as a pop and country singer in the 1970s. Since then, she’s cemented herself as one of Hollywood’s most iconic musicians and TV personalities.

Through her multiple jobs in the entertainment industry, Osmond earned herself a fortune, giving her a reported net worth of $20 million. She was exposed to the entertainment industry through her brothers, who are also successful musicians.

However, Osmond decided to enter the music industry alone. She was reportedly inspired to pursue a singing career by her late mother, who would have been proud of the sensation she became.

Osmond turned 63 in 2022 and has set out goals for how she intends to live her life. As she steps into her new age, she’s ready to make 2023 her best year yet.


The singer even shared her formula for living the best life this year—a lot of positive energy combined with much more self-love will give you the most peaceful life.

Osmond also said the best years start after 50, and she couldn’t be happier with the state of her life now. She reiterated that women her age know who they are, giving them the utmost peace and comfort. The actress was clear that her mantra for the year was to have harmony in her life.

Osmond has also been loved for being an open book and sharing some of her hardships; even other actors praised her for being humble. David Henrie, also an actor, shared a picture with Osmond and described her as an amazingly beautiful and humble woman.

Osmond’s humility comes from her faith. As someone who has endured a lot of heartbreak, career disappointments, and the loss of her loved ones, she understands people who hate those who hurt them, but her faith has taught her the freedom of forgiveness and letting go.

Osmond learned to let go of pain from the past because that bottled-up anger could ruin her future. This is another tip to add to her peaceful life mantra.

Osmond opened up about her love for sewing and where it came from. She said sewing was one of the skills her mother was persistent about learning.

She remembered going to Elizabeth Courtney, which was a company that designed many celebrities’ costumes. After her fittings, she would sit and watch the women sew extravagant gowns and suits, and it inspired her.

Her love for sewing grew even more when she became a mother, and she enjoyed sewing things for her children. Now as a grandmother, she makes a special quilt for each of her grandchildren to symbolize her overflowing love, keepsakes they get to have forever and in memory of her.

The proud grandmother tells her grandchildren to think of her hugging them when they wrap themselves with the quilts. Thus, she was presented with the most adorable scene when she visited her three grandsons.

As the boys were getting ready for bed, they pulled out their special quilts, excitedly showed them to her, and said: “We love you Grandma. You are always with us.” That was one of the most heartwarming things to happen to Osmond.

Marie Osmond’s Home in the Mountains with Her Husband
Osmond has worked hard to build a successful career and raise her children. However, the 63-year-old now has an empty nest with all the alone time with her husband, Steve Craig. During the pandemic, Osmond said she enjoyed being cooped up with Craig in their home in Utah.

The singer has always been obsessed with her family life. Despite the busy schedule that comes with her career, she has valued her family life more.

In fact, the actress said the best advice she has ever received was from her father, who stressed the importance of family, saying, “The most important work you will ever do is within the walls of your home.”

Therefore, the singer has lived her life putting her family first, and she appreciates her flexible work, which allows her to work safely from home.

While a lot of her work has been fulfilling, Osmond reiterated that the work she puts into herself and her loved ones will always bring her more happiness. “My beautiful family brings me joy,” she admitted.

The actress added that her father’s advice felt more accurate and important at the current stage of her life, so she just wants to immerse herself in being present with family.

Although Osmond enjoys her family life, she also loves quality time with her husband. She grew up in a large family with her brothers, so now that she’s older and the kids are gone, she’s grateful to have time with Craig alone.

Osmond was married to Craig from 1982 to 1985. They reconnected over two decades later and walked down the aisle again in 2020. After not being with her husband for 25 years, the singer is happy to have him to herself.

Another perk of having an empty nest is the naps Osmond gets to enjoy. She loves her long hours of sleep, and after being in the industry for decades, she feels blessed to have the luxury of napping.

Osmond released 20 albums in her career and has taken on several jobs on television, which means she earned herself a comfortable life.

The television host has bought several houses, but the most special and extravagant is the one she shares with her husband in Utah.

The couple gets to tuck themselves away in the mountains and enjoy the scenery. Osmond has not given a tour of the home, but she’s given her fans glimpses of her space on social media.

The house has luxury wooden floors and a state-of-the-art kitchen with incredible views of the mountains. Then there’s what Osmond calls “my space, my place.” She also revealed it’s where she works on crafts, paints and reads. “It’s where I have all the good memories,” she explained.

Osmond and her husband love Utah and decided to plant their roots there. While quarantined in their beautiful home, Osmond said she kept in touch with her family on their group chat.

So every time her phone buzzed with messages, she felt happy to know everyone was safe and that they could continue connecting even when forced to be apart.

Marie Osmond Is a Cool Grandma of 8
Osmond is a proud grandmother of eight. But no matter how much she may love her children and grandchildren, she has been stern about not leaving her offspring an inheritance.

She believes that leaving her children with a lot of money will block them from searching for what they love and the opportunity to explore various things.

Even though she broke into fame as a singer, Osmond explained she explored her options and found herself designing baby dolls. So, for her, the best gift for a child is the chance to work and find passion.

Being a grandmother has been one of the highlights of Osmond’s life; the actress said it’s some of the best years of her life. She loves how laid back she can be with her grandchildren and spoil them rotten without the responsibility of raising them. She simply gets to pour out all her love for them.

Osmond proudly calls herself a fun grandmother. When she shared a picture of her and one of her grandchildren sitting on the floor and showing off a quilt she had just made for them, she said people were envious of how flexible she was at her age.

The singer encouraged people her age to trust in their bodies and find flexibility because their bodies were still capable of doing many things.

Osmond expressed that she used to make excuses for what her body could do and blame it on age, but she has learned that she simply needed to love herself, focus on getting it healthy, and appreciate everything her body has carried her through.

Her grandchildren are also her biggest fans. One time, they waved at her while she was on stage performing. However, Osmond does not want her grandkids to see her as a superstar; she just wants to be known as the loving grandmother she is.

Osmond also leans on her faith, and believes God values people for their kind hearts and not their social status. “I think he just cares how we do it with each other, that we are kind with each other and work hard and have values and ethics and things like that.” she reiterated.

In the same instance, Osmond also revealed that she’s honest about what she does for work with her grandkids, who are surprised she still works, but she’s grateful to have had six decades of constant work.

Osmond is also a proud mother. She praised her children for being the best mothers and fathers. Even though their parenting styles differ from hers, she respects their choices.

Her daughters are all stay-at-home moms, unlike Osmond, who worked day and night. The singer admitted that working while trying to be a present mother was tough, but she still did a good job because her children love to be around each other.

She gushed over her kids and said, “They are just so dedicated to helping them be kind and good kids and learn and work hard and being polite. I’m really proud of my children as parents.”

Life for Osmond looks great; she has a good life with her husband in Utah, where she grew up, her children have successful careers and thriving families, and she gets to sit back and enjoy the easy life of being a grandmother.

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